So it's been a long time coming. My Mini, Bruce, has been on the road for about four years now and with the handbrake now completely failed and an MoT soon, it's time to get him sorted.
I've already renewed the CV gaitors and regreased the pot and CV joints, a new bottom arm and bushes were fitted after a nut went AWOL and the bottom arm popped off.
Having already fitted a new handbrake cable I'm thinking that the cause for failure must be the shoes being worn. To be honest I never replaced them when I restored the car first time around so they need replacing.
Then there is the headlamp bowl. For about a year I have had to either keep replacing the chrome headlamp ring or run the lamp without one as the hole for the retaining screw is FUBAR'd, so I've bought a new one. The connection for the side bulb is dodgy too and sometimes flickers like a blown bulb, so I'll have to try and fix that somehow.
What else? Err, I think the rear wheel bearings need replacing and I need to change one of the front wheels for one of my wider 12x5s, as it just has a 12x4.5 on driver's side, but my spares kept deflating so I'm going to invest in a can of Tyre Weld to fix that.
My front discs are all grooved, a bit pitted and a bit rusty, so I might as well replace them with the pads. I could do with a calliper wind back tool, as the pistons seem to only go back so far and with new pads it's going to be a tight fit.
As usual I had a moan at the cost of bits, especially as they're service parts not nice trick bits, but I suppose £60-odd quid wasn't bad for discs, pads, shoes and headlamp bowl. It just seems a lot when you don't have much of it!!
Well, assuming the rain and thunder disappears sometime this Bank Holiday weekend I might actually get it all done and ready for an MoT next week to see what else needs to be fixed!
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